Most of us have been exposed to the harsh Australian sun, dry air and occasional stress in our lives. All of these factors can affect the delicate skin on our face and neckline. A facelift (Rhytidectomy) is designed and undertaken to tighten and uplift the skin on the face.

Is this procedure for me?

A facelift (Rhytidectomy) is a surgical procedure designed to smooth and firm the skin, while considerably reducing the signs of ageing by removing excess fat, tightening the underlying muscles, and re-draping the skin around an uplifted neck and face.

The typical procedure for a traditional facelift involves making a small incision just inside the hairline, following the contour downwards to the front of the ear and then upward behind the ear to the hairline. Excess skin is then removed. The facelift procedure is often combined with eyelid reduction (blepharoplasty) and a brow lift or neck lift.

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