Breast Implant Checks

All breast implants should be checked, especially once they reach the ten-year mark.

Dr Dilip Gahankari’s Implant Check Consultations are available to anyone with breast implants, regardless of where and when your surgery took place.

Implant Check Consultations will identify common issues which can arise with implants such as capsular contracture, Breast Implant-Associated (BIA) ALCL, implant malpositioning, ruptured breast implants, rippling, post-surgical scarring and symptoms commonly associated with presumed Breast Implant Illness. If necessary, a follow-up plan will be outlined.

Dr Dilip Gahankari (RACS, FRACS) is an Australian qualified specialist Plastic Surgeon. With more than two decades of experience, Dr Gahankari is a skilled surgeon with a commitment to the highest standards of surgical techniques and quality patient care. Patients will have no out of pocket fees for their consults with an appropriate referral from their GP. To book, call 1300 007 300.

What is involved in an Implant Check Consultation?

All breast implants require checking, particularly when they are ten years or older. This is to identify any problems which have may arisen such as capsular contracture, implant malpositioning, rippling, post-surgical scarring and any symptoms commonly associated with Breast Implant Illness.

Your Implant Check Consultations will involve a detailed examination of your breasts and a clinical assessment of your medical history by Plastic Surgeon, Dr Dilip Gahankari.

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